Izzy the super guidedog!
Hi all, my name is Izzy and I am a black Labrador guide dog aged eight and three quarters! This is my first ever posting so please forgive my "paw" typing and grammar. I guide a blind bloke named Mike and have just returned from a trip up to London so that Mike, (who is always talking) could show some other VI people some computer games and then take part in a research project into accessible gym equipment.
The trains were hot and I got trodden on a bit on the tube! People seemed to be on their phones even getting on a train and so didn't see me! We are trained not to bite people even though I feel like it sometimes! There wasn't even much food on the floor for me to snaffle, so all I could do was have a sleep.
I have a busy schedule coming up with lunches, a dinner and then a trip to the Paralympic Athletic World Champs. I don't think there are any dog races on the programme, although there are blind athletes so why not us dogs! Discrimination! Will let you know how it goes, if any dogs read this posting would be very interested to hear from you!
Izzy (the super guide dog)
To read more about my adventures with Mike please see my very own Facebook page - @Izzythesuperguidedog!
Well long time no posting!
I am now retired and aged twelve and three quarters!
I retired in March 2019 and the next day Mike started training with his replacement guide dog, well that is loyalty for you! King (what a bloody stupid name) arrived a week later and that was the end of my peace and quiet. He is lively and does everything at 100 mph. He has chewed up all of my toys that I have had since arriving at Mike’s but I occasionally get my own back by chewing something which he then gets the blame for!
Whilst I have a face book page he thinks he is a cut above social media and produces regular Proclamations to his public and I don’t think it will be long before he sneaks into my page on here and posts them, so look out for them and don’t believe everything he says, especially about me!
Izzy the wonder dog aged 12 and ¾’s